Category: General


Wow.  it is a lovely day.  I have been playing in the woods with my brother and we put up some nestboxes.   My mum said that in 1976 , cold and snowy weather in the Spring was followed by, non stop,  lovely sunshine all Summer.  Maybe it will be the same this year.



Tried to put a link on twitter for my new Casting Networks UK link but Twitter just won’t have it so I will put it here and I hope  it works o.k. Got to go to bed now.



My new showreel is now on my website. My brother, Alastair, has updated my website and put new pictures on as well.  I really like it.



  What is Pancake day.   It is called Shrove Tuesday and is the last chance to eat whatever you like.  Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent which is  a Christian festival where you give something up for Lent.   Nowadays it is something like chocolate or cakes but in the olden days it would have been normal things like eggs and butter.  Lent goes on right up to Easter Sunday and that works out to 47 days of giving up something, like a sort of a sacrifice or proof of willpower.  Shrove comes from the word shrive which means to...



I am hoping we are going to get a lot of snow over the next couple of days.   I want to build a whole family of snowmen because we live near a place where they will be safe.  Last year, when I was living in the NW , mum and me built a 2.2 family of snowmen and a polar bear.  Somebody pinched one of the snow children and the head of the dad and smashed the snow mum.   The polar bear lasted two hours before somebody smashed it up. They were quite good and people were taking photographs of them. ...


here is a new photo of my second cousin Sarina Mae.  She lives in Den haag in  Holland.  She used to do lots of modelling when she was younger and now she is a singer and she writes her own songs.   Sarina is going to America this Summer .  Good luck Sarina.



I had to sing a pop song in my singing lesson today.  I chose Shine by Take That.  I didn’t realise how hard it was and it sounded like a cat being dragged down the motorway.  Must try harder lol.

Friday Night

Friday Night

It has been a busy week this week.  I went to my drum lesson with Neil and it was really good.  I used to go to drum lessons at a music academy when I lived in the North and my progress was really slow.  The stuff I am doing now is so much better, in just a couple of weeks.  I am really enjoying it.   I am going to London tomorrow to see the cast screening for ‘The boy with chocolate Fingers.’  I play the main character ‘Donald’ as an adult.  I am excited about seeing it and it will...



Take the liver, lungs & heart of a sheep and boil them. Mince the meats and mix with chopped onions, toasted oatmeal, salt, pepper, and spices. Take one properly cleaned sheep’s stomach. Stuff the cleaned stomach with the prepared contents. Sew up the stomach (leaving enough room for expansion to avoid a large messy explosion) and boil. Serve and eat. Lovely !


Last week I was asked to go and see ‘The Artist’ and give a review.   I had heard it was a silent movie and I thought it might be boring but I found that I was drawn in to the story even though there was no dialogue. The story is about a top silent movie star and he suddenly loses his position when talking movies start.  He accidently meets a woman who he helps get into the movies and ends up being a big star in the talking movies.  Jean Dujardin plays George Valentin and Bérénice Bejo plays the starlet, Peppy Miller.   James...